C++ library for the Real Time Publish Subscribe Protocol
This package is part of eProsima FastDDS. RTPS is the wire interoperability
protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard by the
Object Management Group (OMG).
typewriter font
This is an advanced, open source, hyperrealistic, multilingual typewriter font
for a new decade.
collective construction meta build tool - zsh extension
This package is part of ROS 2, the Robot Operating System.
colcon is a meta build tool to improve the workflow of building, testing and
using multiple software packages. It is the recommended tool for ROS 2 to set
up workspaces and build packages from source, but can also handle old ROS 1
NETCONF protocol library [C library]
NETCONF library in C intended for building NETCONF clients and servers. NETCONF
is the NETwork CONFiguration protocol introduced by IETF.
modern geometric sans-serif
This font is an open-source modern sans-serif font family. Designed by Mikhail
Sharanda in 2018-2019.
Python wrappers for the Open porous media / reservoir simulators
The Open Porous Media (OPM) software suite provides libraries and
tools for modeling and simulation of porous media processes, especially
for simulating CO2 sequestration and improved and enhanced oil recovery.