
FreeRDP Remote Desktop Protocol shadow libraries

FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).


Data Plane Development Kit (librte-crypto-octeontx runtime library)

DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.


include source code from any Sphinx project using only its import path

Sphinx-code-include is an extension for Sphinx that lets you render source-code of any class or function directly into your Sphinx documentation using only as string.


Phobos D standard library (runtime library)

This is the Phobos standard library that comes with the D2 compiler.


GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (shared library subset kit) (mips64)

This is used to develop subsets of the libstdc++ shared libraries for use on custom installation floppies and in embedded systems.


Free Remote Desktop Protocol library (core library)

FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).