
randomized testing framework for Coq (tools)

QuickChick provides a framework for randomized testing of program properties ; it's a clone of Haskell's QuickCheck.


Declarative architecture constraints

This is a meta package that provide declarative architecture constraints like "architecture-is-64-bit" or "architecture-is-little-endian" for cases where architecture wildcard support in the Architecture field is insufficient.


network packet dissection library -- shared library

The libwireshark library provides the network packet dissection services developed by the Wireshark project.


GNU Modula-2 standard library (runtime library)

This is the GNU Modula-2 standard library that comes with the gm2 compiler.


commandline interface for gitlab instances

GLab is an open source GitLab CLI tool bringing GitLab to your terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code without switching between windows and browser tabs. Work with issues, merge requests, watch running pipelines directly from your CLI among other features.


Represent a ring as a substructure of a molecule

Chemistry::Ring provides some basic methods for representing a ring. A ring is a subclass of molecule, because it has atoms and bonds. Besides that, it has some useful geometric methods for finding the centroid and the ring plane, and methods for aromaticity detection.