Support for icon themes (QML module)
Library to use/access icon themes & widgets in Qt. These classes
are used by the iconloader but can be used by others too.
Quick Charts - QML module
A QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts (gpu-accelerated).
non-binary asset management framework
KPackage provides classes for applications to manage user installable packages
of non-binary assets.
Framework for desktop notifications qml
KNotification is used to notify the user of an event. It covers
feedback and persistent events.
widgets for tracking KJob instances
Window class that associates this job with a window given by
window. This is used by KDialogJobUiDelegate as parent widget
for error messages, KWidgetJobTracker as parent widget for
progress dialogs, KIO::AbstractJobInteractionInterface as
parent widget for rename/skip dialogs and possibly more.
Overload that takes a QWindow.
set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use (QML module)
Kirigami is a set of QtQuick components at the moment targeted for
mobile use (in the future desktop as well) targeting both Plasma
Mobile and Android. A set of high level components to make the
creation of applications that look and feel great on mobile as well
as desktop devices and follow the Kirigami Human Interface
Guidelines. The target of these components is anybody that wants to
do an application using QtQuick as its main UI, especially if
targeting a mobile platform, without adding many dependencies. They
work on a variety of platforms, such as Plasma Mobile, Desktop Linux,
Android and Windows.