
Dispersion-Compensated Algorithm

It is an algorithm for the analysis for electromagnetic waveguides. It allows one to map dispersive waveguide data from the frequency-domain to distance-domain, and vice versa.


Duo API Ruby

A Ruby implementation of the Duo API.


node-jss plugin to enable string templates

JSS is an authoring tool for CSS which allows you to use JavaScript to describe styles in a declarative, conflict-free and reusable way. It can compile in the browser, server-side or at build time in Node.


testing framework for OCaml (runtime files)

This package provides a testing framework similar to Python's cram framework for OCaml programming.


unsupervised learning and inference of Hidden Markov Models

Hmmlearn is a set of algorithms for unsupervised learning and inference of Hidden Markov Models. For supervised learning of HMMs and similar models see seqlearn.


implementation of the JSON-LD 1.1 specification in Java

An implementation of the JSON-LD 1.1 (JSON-based Serialization for Linked Data) specification in Java utilizing Jakarta JSON Processing.