
Fixed-Rate Compressed Floating-Point Arrays - binary programs

This is a compressed format for representing multidimensional floating-point and integer arrays. zfp provides compressed-array classes that support high throughput read and write random access to individual array elements. zfp also supports serial and parallel (OpenMP and CUDA) compression of whole arrays, e.g., for applications that read and write large data sets to and from disk.


Debugger used by debugpy (command line script)

This is the debugger underlying debugpy, which is used by IPython and Spyder, among others.


gnuradio blocks functions

Some non-signal processing blocks. These functions are also in gnuradio-core. Part of the main gnuradio build.


gnuradio channels functions

Some channel oriented processing blocks. These functions are also in gnuradio-core. Part of the main gnuradio build.


Mathematical Components library for Coq (algebra)

The Mathematical Components Library is an extensive and coherent repository of formalized mathematical theories. It is based on the Coq proof assistant, powered with the Coq/SSReflect language.


rapid haploid variant calling and core genome alignment

Snippy finds SNPs between a haploid reference genome and your NGS sequence reads. It will find both substitutions (snps) and insertions/deletions (indels). It will use as many CPUs as you can give it on a single computer (tested to 64 cores). It is designed with speed in mind, and produces a consistent set of output files in a single folder. It can then take a set of Snippy results using the same reference and generate a core SNP alignment (and ultimately a phylogenomic tree).