framework for building readers for Guile
The idea is to make it easy to build procedures that extend Guile’s read
procedure. Readers supporting various syntax variants can easily be written,
possibly by re-using existing “token readers” of a standard Scheme readers. For
example, it is used to implement Skribilo’s R5RS-derived document syntax.
PDL interface to read and write HDF4 files
PDL::IO::HDF reads and writes HDF4 files with the SD, VS, and V
interfaces into ndarrays.
For more information on HDF, see
module to parse CommonMark documents into SXML
This pure Guile module can parse fully specified CommonMark documents,
a variant of MarkDown specification without ambiguities. It convert
the documents into SXML syntax for successive processing.
TOML 1.0.0 parser; profiling libraries
TOML parser using generated lexers and parsers with careful attention to the
TOML 1.0.0 semantics for defining tables.
Unix backend for Vty; profiling libraries
This package provides Unix terminal support for Vty.
Stateless OpenPGP (SOP) CLI tool based on rPGP and rpgpie
rsop offers a Rust-based implementation of the Stateless OpenPGP
Command Line Interface.