KINSOL solver (SUNDIALS library)
This package contain the library for KINSOL (nonlinear algebraic systems)
system solver from SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic
equation Solvers).
quantifier elimination tool
QEPCAD is an implementation of quantifier elimination by partial
cylindrical algebraic decomposition due originally to Hoon Hong, and
subsequently added on to by many others. It is an interactive
command-line program written in C/C++, and based on the SACLIB
library. Presented here is QEPCAD B version 1.x, the "B" designating a
substantial departure from the original QEPCAD and distinguishing it
from any development of the original that may proceed in a different
direction. QEPCAD and the SACLIB library are the result of a program
of research by George Collins and his PhD students that has spanned
several decades ... and continues still!
apply true color for terminal text (Python3 version)
tcolopy is a Python library to apply true color for terminal text. It supports
foreground and background color in addition to styles like "bold", "italic",
VBZ compression plugin for nanopore signal data
VBZ Compression uses variable byte integer encoding to compress nanopore
signal data.
GNU D compiler (version 2) (cross compiler for mips64el architecture)
This is the GNU D compiler, which compiles D on platforms supported by gcc.
It uses the gcc backend to generate optimised code.
Runtime library for GNU Go applications
Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
shared library.