gnuradio network library
Library of blocks that implement UDP and TCP source and
sink blocks supporting both IPv4 and IPv6.
Part of the main gnuradio build.
AsyncCore library for SvxLink
The SvxLink server provides access to a ham radio transceiver via
the EchoLink® protocol. This package contains the AsyncCore
library for event-driven applications that use Async classes.
BabelJS plugin to allow one to build compile-time libraries
Currently, each babel plugin in the babel ecosystem requires that you
configure it individually. This is fine for things like language features,
but can be frustrating overhead for libraries that allow for compile-time
code transformation as an optimization.
gnuradio forward error correction support
Handle forward error correction processing in gnuradio.
Implements the GNU Radio FEC API, supporting encoders and
decoders for no-op dummmy, repetition, and convolutional classes.
Part of the main gnuradio build.
gnuradio fast Fourier transform functions
Library for Fourier transform techniques used in gnuradio.
Uses single precision FFT from libfftw3-single3.
Part of the main gnuradio build.
3B Microscopy Analysis Software - command-line tool
Bayesian analysis of blinking and bleaching, or 3B microscopy, is a
method which analyses data in which many overlapping fluorophores
undergo bleaching and blinking events, giving the structure at
enhanced resolution. By using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), it allows
useful information to be obtained from data that would be impossible
to analyse with standard localisation analysis techniques.