
Simple markdown note management app

It supports a wide range of formating options useful for taking notes, like bold, italic, underlined and strike through fonts as well as headings, lists, check boxes, images and more.


QML binding for the kguiaddons framework

The KDE GUI addons provide utilities for graphical user interfaces in the areas of colors, fonts, text, images, keyboard input.


pango extension for sdl2

SDL_pango is a Simple Directmedia Layer extension for rendering text with the Pango library. Its use cases are similar to those of SDL_ttf, but it benefits from the superior Pango font selection engine for improved rendering of internationalized text.


weblog manager - twentytwentyfive theme files

WordPress is a full featured web blogging tool: * Instant publishing (no rebuilding) * Comment pingback support with spam protection * Non-crufty URLs * Themable * Plugin support This package contains WordPress twentytwentyfive theme files NOTE: This theme requires access to public CDNs for use of some font or CSS files.


GNUstep GUI Library

The GNUstep GUI library is a powerful library of graphical user interface classes written completely in the Objective-C language; the classes are based upon the OpenStep specification, and provide the user with a traditional nextstep-like look and feel. The classes include graphical objects such as windows, menus, buttons, text fields, popup lists, browsers, scrollviews, splitviews, fonts, colors, images, events, pasteboards... You need the corresponding backend library package (gnustep-back) to use this package.