Font Awesome perfectly integrated into JavaFX
This package allows Java developers to easily integrate different icon fonts
like Font Awesome, WeatherIcons, MaterialStackIcons, Material Design Font,
Octicons and 525Icons into their JavaFX applications. This is possible because
all icons are scalable vector graphics and each icon can be styled with CSS.
Windows API implementation - fonts
PDF parser and analyser (Python3)
PDFMiner is a tool for extracting information from PDF documents, which
focuses entirely on getting and analyzing text data. It allows one to obtain
the exact location of text portions in a page, as well as other information
such as fonts or lines. It includes a PDF converter that can transform PDF
files into other text formats (such as HTML). It has an extensible PDF parser
that can be used for other purposes than text analysis.
Converts OpenType and TrueType fonts to and from XML (Python 2 Library)
Java font library
The Apache FontBox library is an open source Java tool to obtain low level
information from font files.
Create WOFF files with Zopfli compression
This is a modified version of the sfnt2woff utility that uses Zopfli
as a compression algorithm instead of zlib. This results in compression
gains of, on average, 5-8% compared to regular WOFF files. Zopfli
generates compressed output that is compatible with regular zlib
compression so the resulting WOFF files can be used everywhere.