Microsoft Cabinet file unpacker


Microsoft Cabinet file unpacker

Cabextract is a program which unpacks cabinet (.cab) files, which are a form of archive Microsoft uses to distribute their software and things like Windows Font Packs.
transitional dummy package


transitional dummy package

This is the Verana font of the Arkandis Digital Foundry, similar to Vera of BT.


TeX Live: Mathematics, natural sciences, computer science packages

This package includes the following CTAN packages:
informal handwriting font


informal handwriting font

This package provides an informal handwriting font based on the handwrite of a friend of Adam (the author of this).


TrueType font for Lao language

This package includes fonts that are suitable for the display of the Lao language.


"AR PL UKai" Chinese Unicode TrueType font collection Kaiti style

"AR PL UKai" is a high-quality Chinese Unicode TrueType font collection (ukai.ttc) derieved from the original "AR PL KaitiM Big5" and "AR PL KaitiM GB" fonts generously provided by Arphic Technology to the Free Software community under the "Arphic Public License".