
FreeType 2 demonstration programs

The FreeType project is a team of volunteers who develop free, portable and high-quality software solutions for digital typography. They specifically target embedded systems and focus on providing small, efficient and ubiquitous products.


Japanese TrueType font set, Takao Gothic Fonts

Takao Fonts are Japanese gothic and mincho scalable fonts. They are suitable for both display and printing. This package provides them in TrueType format.


Thai Umpush TrueType font

This package provides Thai Umpush font from TLWG, in TrueType format.


Thai Garuda TrueType font

This package provides Thai Garuda font, code-named "NF2", from the National Font Project, in TrueType format.


PakType free OpenType Urdu fonts

These are two free OpenType Urdu fonts (Naqsh and Tehreer), designed and developed by the PakType volunteers.


Thai TlwgTypewriter TrueType font

This package provides Thai TlwgTypewriter monospace font from TLWG, in TrueType format.