
Platform dedicated to the analysis of source code written in C

Frama-C is a framework dedicated to the analysis of the source code of software written in C.


collection of bootloaders (Linux ext2/ext3/ext4, btrfs, and xfs bootloader)

syslinux is a suite of bootloaders, currently supporting DOS FAT and NTFS filesystems (SYSLINUX), Linux ext2/ext3/ext4, btrfs, and xfs filesystems (EXTLINUX), PXE network boots (PXELINUX), or ISO 9660 CD-ROMs (ISOLINUX).


Open VMware Tools for virtual machines hosted on VMware (CLI)

The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) project is an open source implementation of VMware Tools. It is a suite of virtualization utilities and drivers to improve the functionality, user experience and administration of VMware virtual machines.


Bluetooth support (metapackage)

This package provides all of the different plugins supported by the Bluez bluetooth stack.


Measurement tool for Impulse Responses

Measure Impulse Responses using a sine sweep and deconvolution. For more complete introduction to this method, see


IDE for Python (v2.7) using Tkinter

IDLE is an Integrated Development Environment for Python (v2.7). IDLE is written using Tkinter and therefore quite platform-independent.