
Chromium extension for making slightly easier to read

When faced with an LWN article that links to another LWN article, with perhaps a word of anchor text, it's hard to tell if the new article is worth opening in a tab, is indeed already open in a tab, or has been previously read.


wakes up your machines using Wake on LAN

gWakeOnLan is a GTK+ utility to awake turned off computers through the Wake on LAN feature. Both local and internet modes are supported.


web browser plugin to execute Java applets (dependency package)

IcedTeaPlugin is a web browser plugin to execute Java applets, supporting LiveConnect/JavaScript. It is targeted for xulrunner-1.9 and compatible browsers that support the NPAPI.


frontend to VPN clients

KVpnc is a KDE frontend for various VPN clients.


Tool for examining the internals of Qt application

GammaRay is a tool for examining the internals of a Qt application and to some extent also manipulate it. GammaRay uses injection methods to hook into an application at runtime and provide access to a wide variety of interesting information. It provides easy ways of navigating through the complex internal structures you find in some Qt frameworks, such as QGraphicsView, model/view, QTextDocument, state machines and more.


Platform firmware and microcode for AMD CPUs and SoCs

This package contains microcode patches for AMD AMD64 processors. AMD releases microcode patches to correct processor behavior as documented in the respective processor revision guides.