LED configuration tool for Logitech Gx10 keyboards
g810-led is a configuration tool for the LEDs on Logitech Gx10 gaming
keyboards: G213, G410, G413, G512, G513, G610, G810, G815, G910, and
G Pro.
NVIDIA Texture Tools
NVIDIA Texture Tools is a collection of image processing and texture
manipulation tools, designed to be integrated in game tools and asset
conditioning pipelines. The primary features of the library are mipmap and
normal map generation, format conversion and DXT compression.
Portuguese sound files for GCompris
GCompris is a collection of educational games for small children.
Debian EzGo Games
The EzGo is a LiveCD created by OSS Application Consulting
Centre(OSSACC) which is a Ministry of Education Taiwan funded project,
and it's executive by the Software Liberty Association of Taiwan(SLAT).
Italian sound files for GCompris
GCompris is a collection of educational games for small children.
Minetest mod providing basic materials and items
This game extension provides various materials (different metals,
plastic) and items (wires, strips, ingots, chainlinks, gears, padlocks,