document processor
LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX. It makes the power and
typesetting quality of LaTeX available for people who are used to
word processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept of general
mark-ups, it is even easier and faster to create professional quality
documents with it than with usual word processors. It is also
possible to use LaTeX commands within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's
power is lost.
scientific calculator
galculator is a scientific calculator. It supports different number
bases (DEC/HEX/OCT/BIN) and angles bases (DEG/RAD/GRAD) and features a
wide range of mathematical (basic arithmetic operations, trigonometric
functions, etc) and other useful functions (memory, etc) at the moment.
galculator can be used in algebraic mode as well as in Reverse Polish
Notation (RPN).
Intelligent Input Bus - core
IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for the Linux
OS. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user interface.
It also may help developers to develop input method easily.
LilyPond sheet music text editor
Frescobaldi is a LilyPond sheet music editor. It aims to be powerful,
yet lightweight and easy to use. Frescobaldi is Free Software, freely
available under the GNU General Public License.
utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth
Google Earth is a 3D planet viewer that lets you interactively navigate
satellite imagery, maps, terrain, and so forth.
MySQL web administration tool
This package allows administering of MySQL or MariaDB with a web interface.