
traditional panel, used in GNOME Flashback

GNOME Flashback continues the traditional desktop interface which was used in GNOME 2.x, but using modern GNOME technologies.


Cross-platform Amiga emulator based on UAE/WinUAE

FS-UAE is a cross-platform Amiga emulator based on updated emulation code from WinUAE. FS-UAE uses SDL for input, OpenAL for audio and OpenGL for graphics.


System tray integration for XMMS2

XMMS2tray is a small XMMS 2 client that displays an icon in a X11 system tray with a customizable popup menu and notification bubbles.


Haskell-Scriptable Editor

Yi is a text editor written in Haskell and extensible in Haskell. The goal of the Yi project is to provide a flexible, powerful, and correct editor for haskell hacking.


fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (obsolete)

Git is popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used for many high profile open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel.


contrib plugins for Code::Blocks IDE

This package extends Code::Blocks functionality a great deal with the included plugins. These are: * Code profiler (based on gprof) and code statistics (SLOCs etc) * Copy strings * DragScroll (enhances mouse operations) * Setting of environment variables * Source exporter to PDF/HTML/ODT/RTF * Header fixup * Help * Keyboard shortcuts configuration * RAD gui-builder for wxWidgets (wxSmith) * wxSmith AUI and wxSmith contrib items * Selection of small games for relaxing between coding sessions! (BYOGames) * Autoversioning * ThreadSearch * BrowseTracker * Valgrind * HexEditor * IncrementalSearch * Codesnippets * Library finder * Regular expression testbed * Symbol table plugin * CB koders * MouseSap * Cccc * CppCheck