100 dpi BIZNET ISO-8859-2 fonts for X servers
The BIZNET ISO 8859-2 (Central European) X Window System Fonts
are a set of ISO 8859-2 (sometimes called also ISO Latin2)
X Window System bitmap typefaces.
Miscellaneous documentation for the X.org X Window System
This package contains various documents on the X.org X Window System
including the release notes for the current version and instructions on
the font and xkb subsystems. The documents are in html, pdf, ps, and plain
text format.
DVI to plain text translator
CatDVI translates a TeX Device Independent (DVI) file into a readable
plaintext file. It aims to generate high-quality output that reproduces
all aspects of the DVI file within the limits of the output medium.
CatDVI uses Unicode internally and can output ASCII, ISO Latin 1 and
UTF-8 Unicode.
OAuth2 authentication server providing Json Web Tokens - font files
PDF manipulation library
CAM::PDF reads and writes any document that conforms to the PDF specification
generously provided by Adobe at
https://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html (link last checked Feb