Risk strategy game
KsirK is a strategy game inspired by the well known game Risk. It is a
multi-player network-enabled game with an AI. The goal of the game is simply
to conquer the World. It is done by attacking your neighbours with your
armies. At the beginning of the game, countries are distributed to all the
players. Each country contains one army represented by an infantryman. Each
player has some armies to distribute to his countries. On each turn, each
player can attack his neighbours, eventually conquering one or more countries.
At the end of each turn, some bonus armies are distributed to the players in
function of the number of countries they own. The winner is the player that
conquered all the world.
massively multiplayer pong game client (OpenGL version)
mmpong is an ATARI-pong-like multiplayer game, where a moving ball
reflects on impact from paddles on the left and right sides of the
front-end for the Mednafen multi-system emulator
Mednaffe is a graphical front-end for the Mednafen multi-system
emulator. It allows all of Mednafen's options to be configured, and
provides simple game-management features.
game of dexterity where you match stones together
krank is a game of dexterity, being somewhere between Breakout and billiard,
where the aim of each level is to shove floating stones towards compatible
static stones. You control a short chain of stones with your mouse to achieve
multiplayer deathmatch game for Doom-compatible engines
The Freedoom project aims to produce three base-game data files
(IWADs) for Doom-compatible engines. With it comes the
capability to also play the wide range of mods created for Doom
by a vibrant community.
old school 2D-scrolling shooter
Ketm is a hicolor/hiresolution classical game that has similarities with
Raptor, Tyrian and Galaga. You are a spacepilot controlling your secret
prototype ship. At regular interval's you get attacked by the bad guys. You
have a mission to clean this sector from them (i.e. Kill Everything That
Moves). Be sure to pick up some weapon and ship upgrades on the way.