
Emacs helpers specific to Debian development

This package contains:


library for scientific graphs (fltk interface for windows)

A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt. MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave.


Tao CLI binding for PhysicsFS


API/library for bible software


Perl module to parse MediaWiki dump files

MediaWiki::DumpFile is used to parse various dump files from a MediaWiki instance. The most likely use-case is that you want to parse content at http://download.wikimedia.org/backup-index.html provided by WikiMedia, which includes the English and all other language Wikipedias.


Typelib files for libayatana-appindicator1 (GTK-2+ version)

A library and indicator to take menus from applications and place them in the panel.