
PHP extension that provides a non-static, non-global profiler

Excimer is a new PHP extension that provides a non-static, non-global profiler. It can be used as an alternative to the xhprof and tideways PHP extensions.


NVIDIA binary OpenGL/GLX core libraries (390xx legacy version)

The NVIDIA binary driver provides optimized hardware acceleration of OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES applications via a direct-rendering X Server for graphics cards using NVIDIA chip sets.


persistent quick sorting of dired buffers in various ways

This Emacs package provides persistent quick sorting of Dired buffers in various ways with hydra. With `savehist-mode' enabled, the last used sorting criteria are automatically used when sorting.


GObject introspection data for the Limba library

Limba allows 3rd-party developers to easily distribute their software on multiple Linux distributions. It provides atomic upgrades of software, simultaneous installation of multiple software versions and a simple way to obtain and upgrade software.


Debugging symbols for libftdi1-2


Latvian dictionary for hunspell

This dictionary contains Latvian wordlists for the hunspell spellchecker currently supported by Mozilla and LibreOffice.