
"Northern Rebirth" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.14)

This package contains the "Northern Rebirth" campaign for Wesnoth: "For the people of Dwarven Doors the choice was stark: either drudge as downtrodden slaves for the orcs until the end of their brief and miserable lives, or risk all for freedom and rise up against their cruel overlords. Little did they suspect that their struggle would be the hinge of great events that might restore the Northlands to the glory they had once known." (Expert level, 13 scenarios.)


Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (development files)


library for user level bidirectional client only file synchronizer


Voice and video streaming engine for telephony (voip)


Simple namespaced plugin facility (Python 3)

straight.plugin is a Python plugin loader inspired by twisted.plugin with two important distinctions:


LLVM-based linker, library