
Jupyter kernels for the Spyder console - Python 2


[incr Tcl] OOP extension for Tcl - run-time files

[incr Tcl] (or itcl) is a popular object-oriented extension for the embeddable Tcl scripting language. The name is a play on C++, and itcl has a similar object model, including multiple inheritance and public and private classes and variables. Unlike most OOP extensions to Tcl, itcl is written in C for speed.


GNU Ada compiler


PSORTb adapted library for svm machine-learning library

Libsvm is a machine-learning library which is an easy-to-use package for support vector classification, regression and one-class SVM. It supports multi-class classification, probability outputs, and parameter selection.


Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit - base library


Direct linear systems solver - PTScotch-version shared libraries