
mygpo-qt library package

C++/Qt Library wrapping the Webservice


BioMAJ daemon library

BioMAJ downloads remote data banks, checks their status and applies transformation workflows, with consistent state, to provide ready-to-use data for biologists and bioinformaticians. For example, it can transform original FASTA files into BLAST indexes. It is very flexible and its post-processing facilities can be extended very easily.


C++ XML parsing library with encryption support (runtime)


crypto.pseudoRandomBytes but for use with browserify

In node it just returns crypto.pseudoRandomBytes but in the browser it uses randombytes module if available else it seeds a prng based on chacha20poly1305


small collection of Python test helpers

This package includes plugins for the following test tools: nose2, flake8. The plugins provide useful features (e.g. filtering tests based on a regular expression) and ensure some common coding styles (e.g. import order). They can be enabled independently.


tty library from node core for browsers

Provides a tiny stub implementation of the tty module that always returns false to isatty and throws out not implemented errors if ReadStream or WriteStream are called.