
WSGI logging and event reporting middleware (Python 3)

Supports logging events in WSGI applications to STDOUT, time rotated log files, email, syslog, and web servers. Also supports catching and sending HTML-formatted exception tracebacks to a web browser for debugging.


Clojure network REPL

tools.nrepl provides a REPL server and client, along with some common APIs of use to IDEs and other tools that may need to evaluate Clojure code in remote environments.


GNU C++ compiler


plugin to integrate gettext tools into a Maven build

The gettext-commons library combines the power of the unix-style gettext tools with the widely used Java ResourceBundles. This makes it possible to use the original text instead of arbitrary property keys, which is less cumbersome and makes programs easier to read.


AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector


ThreadSanitizer -- a Valgrind-based detector of data races (runtime)

ThreadSanitizer (Tsan) is a data race detector for C/C++ programs. The Linux and Mac versions are based on Valgrind.