
Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - SNMP module

ProFTPD is a powerful modular FTP/SFTP/FTPS server. This File Transfer Protocol daemon supports also hidden directories, virtual hosts, and per-directory ".ftpaccess" files. It uses a single main configuration file, with a syntax similar to Apache.


node library that returns true if any values exist

Returns true if any values exist, false if empty. Works for booleans, functions, numbers, strings, nulls, objects and arrays.


debug symbols for kcontacts


OpenStack virtual network service - API service

Neutron provides an API to dynamically request and configure virtual networks. These networks connect "interfaces" from other OpenStack services (such as vNICs from Nova VMs). The Neutron API supports extensions to provide advanced network capabilities, including QoS, ACLs, and network monitoring.


sharding and distributed joins for PostgreSQL

Citus is a distributed database implemented as a PostgreSQL extension. It provides functions to easily split a PostgreSQL table into shards to be placed on remote worker nodes. Citus can replicate shards, update their schemas, and keep track of shard health. An advanced distributed planner is included which handles queries and modifications against sharded tables.


transform a stream into a quoted string

This module transform a buffer to a quoted string thus escaping special character in a safe way.