
GNU Objective-C++ compiler


Python3 interface for CODA science formats library

The Common Data Access framework allows reading of scientific data from various data formats, including structured ascii, structured binary, XML, netCDF, CDF, HDF4, HDF5, GRIB, RINEX and SP3. It provides a single consistent hierarchical view on data independent of the underlying storage format.


implement auto-complete support for textareas (browserified)

This jquery plugin implements auto-complete support for textareas, like a GitHub/Gitlab comment form or a social network comment box.


Intel® MKL : ScaLAPACK routine library supporting LP64 interface

Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) is a computing math library of highly optimized, extensively threaded routines for applications that require maximum performance.


Python bindings for Qt5 TextToSpeech module (Python 2)


C++ Portable Components (POCO) JSON library