
Karumbi malayalam font

This package provides Karumbi font for Malayalam script which is primarily used in the state of Kerala. The font is developed by SMC community


Nemo extension for Font Manager

Font Manager is intended to provide a way for average users to easily manage desktop fonts, without having to resort to command line tools or editing configuration files by hand. While designed primarily with the GNOME Desktop Environment in mind, it should work well with other Gtk+ desktop environments.


AR PL KaitiM Big5 fonts for CJK

This package installs all necessary fonts (PFB, AFM, TFM, etc.) to get the "AR PL KaitiM Big5" font working with the LaTeX macro "CJK" in local and UTF-8 environments.


handling and rendering XPS documents (library)

OpenXPS or XPS stands for XML Paper Specification. It is based on XML and it's a new electronic paper format originally developed by Microsoft and it serves as a PDF alternative. XPS files are usually created using "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" in Windows environments. It is now standardized as an open standard document format.


Non-free items from the ConTeXt distribution

The ConTeXt distribution contains some fonts that are not considered free from Debian perspective, which are included here.


Python port of the FIGlet specification

FIGLet is a program that creates large characters out of ordinary screen characters. It takes ASCII text and renders it in ASCII art fonts.