
tactical squad ASCII roguelike dungeon crawler game engine; profiling libraries

LambdaHack is a Haskell game engine library for ASCII roguelike games of arbitrary theme, size and complexity, with optional tactical squad combat. It's packaged together with a sample dungeon crawler in fantasy setting that can be tried out as a native binary or in the browser at


professional 3D Game Multiphysics Library -- collision


professional 3D Game Multiphysics Library -- GIMPACT


Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Audio part

SFML is a modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce a multimedia app. It offers OpenGL integration for Hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and Input support, Audio and Network facilities and supports GNU/Linux, MS Windows and Mac OS X.


Planet Blupi - A delirious spell-binding game - Ogg music

Planet Blupi is a strategy and adventure game. It subtly blends action with thought-provoking challenges. Behind the quiet and gentle facade, you'll enjoy a fascinating diversion full of surprises.


GUI for analyzing Go games in real time using Leela Zero

Features include: