remotely wake a napping system


remotely wake a napping system

Debian Edu MATE desktop applications


Debian Edu MATE desktop applications

This metapackage depends on various MATE office and desktop applications that are useful for teachers and their students.
GTK+ mapping and GPS application


GTK+ mapping and GPS application

web-based bug tracking system


web-based bug tracking system

OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - translation tool


OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - translation tool

OPARI is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP applications.


gtk2 engines for moblin

Moblin is an open source project focused on building a Linux-based platform optimized for the next generation of mobile devices including Netbooks, Mobile Internet Devices, and In-vehicle infotainment systems.