
TeX Live: MetaPost and Metafont packages

This package includes the following CTAN packages:


in-depth visual diff tool for files, archives and directories

diffoscope is a visual diff tool that attempts try to get to the bottom of what makes files or directories actually different.


scalable fonts for X

xfonts-scalable provides fonts that can be drawn at any size by the X server or font server without loss of quality. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients.
Screenshot of Powerlevel9k in action


powerlevel9k is a theme for zsh which uses powerline fonts

Get more out of your terminal. Be a badass. Impress everyone in 'Screenshot Your Desktop' threads. Use powerlevel9k.
Old style roman font


Old style roman font

Based on the roman of Frederic Goudy's Kennerley Old Style (designed and cut in 1911 for a limited edition of "The Door in the Wall and Other Stories" by H G Wells, published by Mitchell Kennerley). The companion italic is a future project.
collection of TOIlet fonts


collection of TOIlet fonts

TOIlet prints text using large characters made of smaller characters. It is similar in many ways to FIGlet with additional features such as Unicode handling, colour fonts, filters and various export formats.