Kirigami example gallery


set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use

ANSI and ASCII art to PNG converter


ANSI and ASCII art to PNG converter

The following formats are supported: - .ANS - ANSi (ANSI escape sequences: ANSI X3.64 standard) - .PCB - PCBoard Bulletin Board System (BBS) own file format - .BIN - Binary format (raw memory copy of text mode video memory) - .ADF - Artworx format, supporting custom character sets and palettes - .IDF - iCE Draw format, supporting custom character sets and palettes - .TND - TundraDraw format, supporting 24-bit color mode - .XB - The eXtended Binary XBin format, supporting custom character sets and palettes
web content management system (meta)


web content management system (meta)

Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript


Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript

Barcode Writer in Pure Postscript generates all barcode formats entirely within PostScript so that the process of converting the input data into the printed output can be performed by the printer or RIP itself. This is ideal for variable data printing (VDP) and avoids the need to re-implement the barcode generation process whenever your language needs change.
GNU R package for Visualizing Multivariate Data


GNU R package for Visualizing Multivariate Data

Scatterplot3d is an GNU R package for the visualization of multivariate data in a three dimensional space. Basically scatterplot3d generates a scatter plot in the 3D space using a parallel projection. Higher dimensions (fourth, fifth, etc.) of the data can be visualized to some extent using, e.g. different colors, symbol types or symbol sizes.
GUI based tool to compare two RTTY streams


GUI based tool to compare two RTTY streams

Comptty is used to compare two RTTY streams. It's comparison function uses a linear-programming technique. It computes total number of errors, the character error rate (CER) and the bit error rate (BER). Special attention is given to SHIFT and UNSHIFT to account for an error occurring in that character.