
Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType (Binaries)

Tools used to make OpenType fonts by adding the OpenType-specific data to a TrueType or Type1 font.


collada-dom 2.5.0 - COLLADA using double precision

The COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface (API) that provides a C++ object representation of a COLLADA XML instance document.


gnuradio video functions


GNOME/Phosh mobile Environment -- essential components

These are the core components of the GNOME/Phosh environment for mobile devices.


module to dynamically change the value of a variable

Syntax::Keyword::Dynamically provides a syntax plugin that implements a single keyword, dynamically, which alters the behaviour of a scalar assignment operation. Syntactically and semantically it is similar to the built-in perl keyword local, but is implemented somewhat differently to give two key advantages over regular local:


GNU Modula-2 compiler (based on GCC) for the powerpc architecture