
runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (shared library)

GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).


little word cloud generator in Python

Compared to other wordclouds, this algorithm has the advantage of * filling all available space. * being able to use arbitrary masks. * having a stupid simple algorithm (with an efficient implementation) that can be easily modified.


library for forensics analysis on volume and filesystem data

The Sleuth Kit, also known as TSK, is a collection of UNIX-based command line file and volume system forensic analysis tools. The filesystem tools allow you to examine filesystems of a suspect computer in a non-intrusive fashion. Because the tools do not rely on the operating system to process the filesystems, deleted and hidden content is shown.


Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit - nav library


GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (shared library subset kit) (mipsel)

This is used to develop subsets of the libstdc++ shared libraries for use on custom installation floppies and in embedded systems.


Python3 library to read and write Generic Feature Format

A Python library to read and write Generic Feature Format (GFF).