
GNU R lengths of mRNA transcripts for a number of genomes

This GNU R package calculates length of mRNA transcripts for a number of genomes and gene ID formats, largely based on UCSC table browser.


Tcl binding to libyajl, a JSON parser and generator

yajl-tcl, a Tcl C extension written to bring the capabilities of the Yet Another JSON Library (YAJL), a C library for parsing and generating JSON, available to Tcl coders. JSON stands for Javascript Object Notation, a popular data exchange format for Javascript.


mouse settings service process

UKUI interface provides the interface for system configuration and related libraries.


Python 3 bindings for Broccoli


Package management framework for Ruby

A package (also known as a library) contains a set of functionality that can be invoked by a Ruby program, such as reading and parsing an XML file. These packages are called 'gems' and RubyGems is a tool to install, create, manage and load these packages in your Ruby environment. RubyGems is also a client for RubyGems.org, a public repository of Gems that allows you to publish a Gem that can be shared and used by other developers.


Free Pascal - graphics-library units

The Free Pascal Compiler is an Object Pascal compiler supporting both Delphi and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects, as well as Mac Pascal dialects. It provides a completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many platforms and compatible with Turbo Pascal, along with a platform-independent class-based Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi extensions and interfacing with many popular open source libraries.