
embeddable web server with optional CGI, SSL and Lua support

CivetWeb is an easy to use, powerful, C (C/C++) embeddable web server with optional CGI, SSL and Lua support. CivetWeb has a MIT license so you can innovate without restrictions.


spell checker (program)

Nuspell is a free and open source spell checker that is written in modern C++. It is designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding.


C++ library to read or write ODS files

libodsstream provides a simple way to read and write Open Document Spreadsheet files. The hight memory efficiency comes from the fact that only streams are used for the read/write operations.


Interactive data selection cursors for Matplotlib

mplcursors provides interactive data selection cursors for Matplotlib. It is inspired from mpldatacursor, with a much simplified API.


Basic utility functions for Core Chef Infra development

Chef is a systems integration framework and configuration management library written in Ruby. Chef provides a Ruby library and API that can be used to bring the benefits of configuration management to an entire infrastructure.


Perl based tool to parse DMARC reports

This DMARC reports parser is based on John Levine's rddmarc, extended by the following features: