
Replay Gain volume normalization Python library

This package provides a Python package to calculate the Replay Gain values of audio files, and store those values in the files as metadata. Media players that support Replay Gain will use this information to adjust the volume during playback, so that all tracks sound equally loud.


Library of DSP functions, developed for XTRX SDR

This package is part of the library set for XTRX support.


Runtime library for GNU Go applications

Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the shared library.


BioConductor report of DEG analysis

Creation of a HTML report of differential expression analyses of count data. It integrates some of the code mentioned in DESeq2 and edgeR vignettes, and report a ranked list of genes according to the fold changes mean and variability for each selected gene.


Adapter to provide ext-mongo interface on top of mongo-php-libary


ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBExtendedFileName