
API Client library for Google Cloud Translation API

Google Cloud Translation provides a simple, programmatic interface for translating an arbitrary string into any supported language. It is highly responsive, so websites and applications can integrate with Translation API for fast, dynamic translation of source text. Language detection is also available in cases where the source language is unknown.


GlassFish MBean Annotation Library (Common APIs)

The GlassFish MBean Annotation Library (gmbal, pronounced as in "gumball") is a runtime annotation processor that creates Open MBeans. This is useful for creating a management API for existing code with minimal effort. It is intended to be applied to existing modules (which may be OSGi bundles in GlassFish v3, or any other packaging model including standard jar files), but could be used anywhere that it is desired to combine the definition of the management API with the module API and implementation.


LZ-based compression algorithm for Python (Python 3 version)

python-lzstring is a simple Python module that compression data using LZ-based algorithm.


Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32)

Library needed for GNU Fortran applications linked against the shared library.


Python 2 implementation of the Double Ratchet algorithm


ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBTransform