
Utilities from the PHAT library

The Persistent Homology Algorithm Toolox is a header-only C++ library for performing the filtered Z/2Z (co)boundary matrix operations commonly needed when computing (persistent) (co)homology in topological data analysis.


support library providing __atomic built-in functions (n32)

library providing __atomic built-in functions. When an atomic call cannot be turned into lock-free instructions, GCC will make calls into this library.


CASA basic mathematical modules


Polish-German dictionary for the dict server/client

This is the Polish-German dictionary from the FreeDict project. It contains 23570 headwords (FreeDict status: big enough to be useful). It can be either used with the dictd server and a dict client or with GoldenDict.


Argon2 password hashing library - PyPy Module


simple and responsive web interface for Icinga - businessprocess module

Icinga Web 2 is a very modular, fast and simple web interface for your Icinga monitoring environment.