
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)

This package contains files common to all languages and libraries contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).


QuickCheck inspired property-based testing for OCaml (Runtime library)

This module allows one to check invariants (properties of some types) over randomly generated instances of the type. It provides combinators for generating instances and printing them.


widget allowing a single child widget to be scrolled

Tickit::Widget::ScrollBox is a container widget which draws a scrollbar beside a single child widget and allows a portion of it to be displayed by scrolling.


additional functools in the spirit of stdlib's functools

Jaraco.functools provides additional functools in the spirit of stdlib's functools, mostly needed as a dependency of other projects by the same upstream developer such as the 'tempora' module.


Miao (Pollard) fonts for Small Flowery Miao / Xiaohua Miao [sfm]

The Shimenkan family of fonts supports the broad variety of writing systems that use the Miao (Pollard) script.


Emacs Helm for Org-mode headlines and keywords completion

This package provides an addon for the elpa-helm package to enable Helm to complete headlines and keywords in Org-mode.