
web server interface for R (examples)

The package provides a set of routines for R to perform as a web server. This is used by a series of reverse dependencies to develop interactive interfaces to statistical analyses and reports.


XLib halfkey implementation

Running xhk detaches the keyboard, and intercepts all input; processing it for space bar pushes as it goes. The space bar acts as a modifier if it is held at the same time as a standard letter. Modifying acts to mirror the input such that key presses are mirrored down the middle of the home row. Pressing space, and then releasing will still provide a single space character.


C++ Portable Components (POCO) Network library


Global Positioning System - Qt wrapper for libgps


An object oriented interface to shell commands

php-shellcommand provides a simple object oriented interface to execute shell commands.


GNU Objective-C++ compiler (multilib support)

This is the GNU Objective-C++ compiler, which compiles Objective-C++ on platforms supported by the gcc compiler.