
Procedural language interface between PostgreSQL and R


Apertium translation data for the English-Catalan pair

Data package providing Apertium language resources for translating between the English and Catalan languages.


Erlang library to handle mimetypes

Parse IANA media types (formerly known as MIME types). mimerl provides functions to transform file extension to mimetype, web extension to mimetype, filename to mimetype, web path to mimetype, and to return the list of extensions for a mimetype.


GNU R functions for graphical Markov models

Functions and datasets for maximum likelihood fitting of some classes of graphical Markov models.


Rust standard libraries


Sight libraries

The Surgical Image Guidance and Healthcare Toolkit aims to ease the creation of applications based on medical imaging. It includes various features such as 2D and 3D digital image processing, visualization, augmented reality and medical interaction simulation. It runs on many different environments (Windows, Linux, macOS), is written in C++, and features rapid interface design using XML files.