
Sparse OPTimisation shared library

SOPT is a C package to perform Sparse OPTimisation. It solves a variety of sparse regularisation problems, including the SARA algorithm.


Open CASCADE Technology module for CAD data format interoperability


SMILES parsing and generation library for cheminformatics

Beam is a free toolkit dedicated to parsing and generating Simplified molecular-input line-entry system - SMILES line notations. The primary focus of the library is to elegantly handle the SMILES syntax and as fast as possible.


Phobos D standard library (runtime library)

This is the Phobos standard library that comes with the D2 compiler.


BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software Framework (64bit,serial)

BLIS is a portable software framework for instantiating high-performance BLAS-like dense linear algebra libraries. The framework was designed to isolate essential kernels of computation that, when optimized, immediately enable optimized implementations of most of its commonly used and computationally intensive operations. BLIS is written in ISO C99 and available under a new/modified/3-clause BSD license. While BLIS exports a new BLAS-like API, it also includes a BLAS compatibility layer which gives application developers access to BLIS implementations via traditional BLAS routine calls. An object-based API is also available for more experienced users.


Redis Session store for Catalyst

Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Redis is a session storage plugin for Catalyst that uses the Redis ( key-value database.