
ARC Globus plugins common libraries

NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and support of the middleware, known as the Advanced Resource Connector (ARC).


AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector

AddressSanitizer (ASan) is a fast memory error detector. It finds use-after-free and {heap,stack,global}-buffer overflow bugs in C/C++ programs.


GNU Compiler Collection for MinGW-w64, x86-64/POSIX

MinGW-w64 provides a development and runtime environment for 32- and 64-bit (x86 and x64) Windows applications using the Windows API and the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc).


Robot OS client library

This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). roscpp is a C++ implementation of ROS. It provides a client library that enables C++ programmers to quickly interface with ROS topics, services, and parameters.


Connection-Set Algebra (CSA) implemented in Python

The CSA library provides elementary connection-sets and operators for combining them. It also provides an iteration interface to such connection-sets enabling efficient iteration over existing connections with a small memory footprint also for very large networks. The CSA can be used as a component of neuronal network simulators or other tools.


Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit)

Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the shared library.