
Lightweight Java library with "vobject" data

vinnie is a lightweight Java library that reads and writes "vobject" data (vCard and iCalendar). It is used by the ez-vcard and biweekly projects.


OPTIMADE filter language parser/composer

OPTIMADE filter language is an SQL-like query language. OPTIMADE::Filter contains both a parser and a composer for this language.


Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 11 -- SQL scripts


GObject introspection data for libkkc

libkkc provides a converter from Japanese Kana-string to Kana-Kanji-mixed-string. It was named after kkc.el in GNU Emacs, a simple Kana Kanji converter, while libkkc tries to convert sentences in a bit more complex way using N-gram language models.


Support files for Linux 5.2


GNU C preprocessor

A macro processor that is used automatically by the GNU C compiler to transform programs before actual compilation.