
ProFTPD module mod_proxy

The mod_proxy module for ProFTPD proxies FTP/FTPS connections, supporting both forward and reverse proxy configurations.


Sound file editor (graphical user interface - PulseAudio)

Snd is a powerful sound file editor that can be customized and extended using the Scheme programming language.


3D mesh generation and repairing utilities

This package contains 3D mesh generation and repairing tools that can be used independently and invoked inside iso2mesh.


ultra-fast and accurate de novo assembly tools for SMRT reads

An improved version of MECAT. It is an ultra-fast and accurate mapping and error correcting de novo assembly tools for single molecula sequencing (SMRT) reads. MECAT2 consists of the following three modules: 1. mecat2map: a fast and accurate alignment tool for SMRT reads. 2. mecat2cns: correct noisy reads based on their pairwise overlaps. 3. fsa: a string graph based assembly tool.


ACE network service implementations - libraries


Process sequencing data from a Hi-C experiment (examples)

Simple and fast command-line framework to process sequencing data from a Hi-C experiment.