
GNU R package to read and write XLSX files

The openxlsx package simplifies the creation of Excel .xlsx files by providing a high level interface to writing, styling and editing worksheets. Through the use of 'Rcpp', read/write times are comparable to the 'xlsx' and 'XLConnect' packages with the added benefit of removing the dependency on Java.


PSR interfaces for PHP

This PHP extension provides the interfaces from the PSR standards as established by the PHP-FIG group.


Python extension module for dmidecode - Python 3

DMI (the desktop management interface) provides a standardized description of a computer's hardware, including characteristics such as BIOS serial number and hardware connectors.


Finger Lakes Instrument library


Event emitter for Node.js

emitter is a Node.js module for emitting events.


Dist::Zilla plugin to add '-remove' functionality to a bundle

Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::PluginRemover enables Dist::Zilla plugin bundles to automatically remove any plugins specified by the -remove attribute. This is similar to the @Filter plugin but with less typing.