
Make Play Live content store library


Real Time Application Interface (documentation)


Runs (webpack) loaders

This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser.


simple Perl data structure browser Padre


Passive DNS database with GraphQL interface, frontend

balboa is the BAsic Little Book Of Answers. It consumes and indexes observations from passive DNS collection, providing a GraphQL interface to access the aggregated contents of the observations database.


Emacs minor mode that displays a tab bar at the top

This library provides the Tabbar global minor mode which displays a tab bar in the header line of Emacs. Click on a tab to select it. Three buttons are displayed on the left side of the tab bar in this order: "home", "scroll left", and "scroll right" buttons. The "home" button is used to change something on the tab bar. The scroll left and scroll right buttons are used to scroll tabs horizontally. Tabs can be grouped to maintain several sets of tabs at the same time. Only one group is displayed on the tab bar, and the "home" button is used to switch between the tab bar groups.