
standalone StatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator tray

gtk-sni-tray provides a StatusNotifierHost widget written using the gtk+3 bindings for haskell provided by gi-gtk. It also provides a simple standalone executable, gtk-sni-tray-standalone, that is configured with command line arguments. This executable will run the aforementioned widget by itself in a strut window, on each monitor for each it is requested.


Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications

Library needed for GNU Fortran applications linked against the shared library.


GCC Quad-Precision Math Library (64bit)

A library, which provides quad-precision mathematical functions on targets supporting the __float128 datatype. The library is used to provide on such targets the REAL(16) type in the GNU Fortran compiler.


C library for commands execution

s2argv converts a command string into an argv array for execv, execvp, execvpe. execs is like execv taking a string instead of an argv. Similarly execsp and execspe are the counterpart of execvp and execvpe, respectively, using command strings. coprocv, coprocvp, coprocvpe, coprocs, coprocsp execute a command in coprocessing mode. The following functions all work without using a shell: esystem, system_eexecsp execute a command with its arguments from a string. popen_nosh, popen_execsp and pclose_nosh pipe stream to or from a process. system_nosh executes a command with its arguments from a string.


OpenStack Firewall as a Service Neutron plugin


Command line tool for the libzc library

Yazc is the command line utility that comes bundled with libzc. It provides easy access to all of libzc attack modes namely: bruteforce, dictionary and plaintext attacks.